Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Red Guitar Traditional Sangria

Name: Red Guitar Traditional Sangria
Variety: Grenache Noir, Tempranillo
Region: Navarra
Country: Spain
Year: 2014
Price: $7

Winery Review: This premium red wine is blended with natural fresh fruit flavors of orange, lemon, lime, and cherry, creating a deliciously perfect balance of wine and fruit. 

My Review: I thought this was a really tasty, wonderful sweet red wine. It was very tasty, favor flavorful, with lots of fruitiness. It had a 10% alcohol content, but the heat wasn't very detectable. There were lots of citrus flavors. I could definitely taste orange and lime. This would make a really good wine for after dinner or for a fun group gathering. I enjoyed this with ice but I didn't try it with any food. 

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